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Wednesday, April 30, 2008


1 comment:

Dr.Kanam said...

Iron Bridge George Museum in Telford
An area of 6 square miles with 10 separate attractions ,including Abraham Durby’s original ironworks, a museum of iron, a museum of tobacco-pipe making and decorate tile museum as well as other factories and workshop are really worth seeing.
Museum of George gives gives an idea of the history of Telford.
It was a small Shrospshire town of Coalbrookdale in the Severn George,where the modern world began. Here in 1709 Abraham Darby perfected his technique for using coke in the smelting of iron ore, that made possible the mass production of reliable cast iron.This development equals with Columbus’s discovery of America and Wright Brothers’s first flight. Without Darby’s invention Britain would never have industrialized and neither would have America,France,Germany or Japan .Without this invention cars,TVs,trains,tube trains, tractors,electrical appliances wouldnot have been invented.With out industrialization most people would still be living the same life as their early 18th century forebears in rural villages and farms.The growth of cities and corresponding movements of people from rural to urban was the direct result of industrialisation and the invention of factories. Modern world, definitely indebted to Darby.

Brigend Hypermarket,Wales